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Vue Designer!

This is a simple template that pre-includes the Pinegrow Vite Plugin and other goodies for your drag & drop experience.

Visually design your components with Vue Designer - Try Now


Vue’s official documentation provides you with all information you need to get started.


This project is served and bundled with Vite. The recommended IDE setup is VSCode + Volar. If you need to test your components and web pages, check out Cypress and Cypress Component Testing.
More instructions are available in README.md.


Get official tools and libraries for your project: Pinia, Vue Router, Vue Test Utils, and Vue Dev Tools. If you need more resources, we suggest paying Awesome Vue a visit.


Got stuck? Ask your question on Vue Land, our official Discord server, or StackOverflow. You should also subscribe to our mailing list and follow the official @vuejs twitter account for latest news in the Vue world.

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